General Reference

 1. ALPERN, Andrew; Catalogue of the Andrew Alpern Collection of Drawing Instruments, Trustees of the Columbia University, New York 2010.


 2. DAWES, Howard; Instruments of the Imagination, The Dawes Trust, Craycombe House, Worcestershire 2009.


 3. HAMBLY, Maya; Drawing Instruments 1580-1980, Sotheby's, London, 1988.


 4. PIEDMONT-PALLANDINO, Susan; Tools of the Imagination, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2007.


 5. RICHES, David; Collecting Drawing Instruments, Jeremy Mills, Huddersfield, 2012.


 6. SCHILLINGER, Dr. Klaus; Zeicheninstrumente, Staatlicher Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, Dresden, 1980.


 7. STARCK, Georg; Die Entwicklung der Deutschen Reißzeugindustrie, Universitätsverlag von Robert Noske in Borna-Leipzig, 1925.


 8. VOLLRATH, Hans-Joachim; Verborgene Ideen Historische mathematische Instrumente, Springer Spektrum, 2013.


 9. Das Reisszeug in Die Technologie des Eisens, Otto Spamer, Leipzig 1900, page 363-373. Internet Archive.


10. FELDHAUS, Franz Maria; Geschichte des technischen Zeichnens, Kuhlmann, Wilhelmshaven 1959.


11. NEDOLUHA, Alois; Kulturgeschichte des technischen Zeichnens, Alois Mally & Co., Wien 1960.


12. LYLES, JOHN L.; Illustrated Catalogue of Drawing Instruments: Architects and Engineers Materials, Astragal Press, Guilford, CT 2020. 


13. Laussedat, Aimé; Recherches sur les instruments, les méthodes et le dessin topographiques, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1898-1903.


14. Weiss, Johann Wilhelm; Die Reisszeugindustrie Nürnbergs, 1920.

Instrument makers


1. MARCELIN, FRANCK; Dictionnaire des fabricants français d'instruments de mesure du XVe au XIXe siècle, 2004.


2. ROOSEBOOM, M. 1950. Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis der Instrumentmakerskunst in de Noorderlijke Nederlanden tot omstreeks 1840.


3. MOOIJ, J.; Instrumenten, wetenschap en samenleving: geschiedenis van de instrumentenfabricage en -handel in Nederland 1840-1940. Soest: Cooperatieve vereniging "het instrument". 1988.


4. CLIFTON, GLORIA; Directory of British Scientific Instrument Makers, 1550-1851, Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd 1994.


5. Dr. Michaela Schlögl; 100 Jahre Rudolf & August Rost  1888-1988 Festschrift


6. J.E. BURNETT, A.D. MORRISON-LOW; Vulgar & Mechanick The Scientific Instrument Trade in Ireland 1650-1921The Trustees of the National Museums of Scotland & The Royal Dublin Society, 1989.


7. DAUMAS, Maurice; Scientific Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries and Their Makers, Portman Press, 1972.


8. DWC Digital Web Centre for the History of Science in the low Countries. Scientific Instrument Makers in the Netherlands.


9. Silvio A. Bedini; Early American Scientific Instruments and Their Makers MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, 1964. []


10. L'Industrie Francaise des Instruments de Précision 1901-1902, Smithsonian Libraries.  


11. Zinner, Ernst; Deutsche und Niederländische Astronomische Instrumente des 11.- 18. Jahrhunderts, München, 1979. 


12. Taylor, E.G.R.; The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor & Stuart England 1485-1714, Cambridge University Press, London, 1970.


13. Taylor, E.G.R.; The Mathematical Practitioners of Hanoverian England 1714-1840, Cambridge University Press, London, 1966.


14. De Clercq, P.R.; Nineteenth Century Scientific Instruments and their Makers, Boerhaave, Leiden; Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1985.


15. C. Blondel, F. Parot, A. Turner and M. Williams; Studies in the History of Scientific Instruments, papers presented at the 7th Symposium of the Scientific Instruments Commission of the Union Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences, Paris 15–19 September 1987. London: Rogers Turner Books Ltd; for the Centre de Recherche en Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, 1989. 


16. CLARKE (T. N.), MORRISON-LOW (A. D.) & SIMPSON (A. D. C.); Brass & Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in Scotland As Illustrated by Instruments from the Arthur Frank Collection at the Royal Museum, National Museums of Scotland, 1989.


17. Hemming Andersen; Historic Scientific Instruments in Denmark, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 1995 Printed in Denmark by Ærø Ugeavis Bogtrykkeri ApS ISSN 0366-3612 ISBN 87-7304-262-5.